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Finally the CD We Have All Been Begging For!
Can we just say ... It's about #@*!#&%* Time!

This is the CD the Divas have wanted for years ... that's right, 90 minutes of nothing but Da Man doing what drives us all crazy ... Caught in the act of being "Naughty"!
This compilation was secretly recorded at concerts throughout the Country and now being offered to you to enjoy at home during your "Private Time".
You know you love it!

You'll get Hits like: 

 * "Who's standing on my Buckying mic cord?" 
 * "Ahhhhh Scooby Doo Doo, I missed that chord!" 
 * "Who here has seen my Nekkid (_!_)?" 
 * "Cheeeiiiit! These leather pants are tight I can't breathe!" 
 * "Where is the MoFo George with my tuned guitar?" 
 * "That Fire Marshall is such a Love Unit Head!" 
 * "I forgot the Son of a Female Scoobying  words to Jessie's Girl!" 
 * "|=//////////> you!" 

Order now and we'll include the Extended Ad-Lib Version of "Gloria" 

Creative credit to Candi ((( Wub U)))

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