Posted by BoDee *Still worried about the fact that the lines for the bathroom were not proportionately long!* on Fri Nov 17 09:24:42 2000:

We have all been there, waiting in a line to see Rooster Boy! My AC experience was by far the longest wait so far, but I had plenty of company so it wasn't so bad. The ways I passed the time are inclusive of, but not limited to the following:

1-Look at other people's pictures,

2-Look at my own pictures,

3-Look back at their pics and wonder why all of mine look like they were taken by Abraham Zapruder?

4-Watch people make signs,

5-Make a few signs of my own at Resorts staff,

6-Meet people you've been talking to for months but never seen,

7-Spend a lot of time subsequent to this explaining that you normally don't look like this,


9-Play with other people's children,

10-Consider sleeping with Taj Mahal Waiters and making children of your own,

11-Help Lisa paint a goatee on a blow-up Scooby Dog,

12-Take a break from the line when you realize that Scooby Doo is actually starting to look good, especially since he grew the goatee,


14-Eat some more,

15-Push your empty candy bar wrappers next to your neighbor, and look the other way,

16-Listen at the door during sound check,

17-Engage in theoretical discussions, such as … Had Zach not taken Starbuck's shift, exactly how long would he have lasted into the season before getting his cute little tush Blown Away by the Cylons. (BTW - Is it lost on anyone else that Starbuck was in BattleStar Galatica and is also Rick's favorite Hangout … makes ya think don't it)!

18-Three words: Rock, Paper, Scissors!

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