Posted by BoDee *Still worried about the fact that the lines for the bathroom were not proportionately long!* on Fri Nov 17 09:24:42 2000:
We have all been there, waiting in a line to see Rooster Boy! My AC experience was by far the longest wait so far, but I had plenty of company so it wasn't so bad. The ways I passed the time are inclusive of, but not limited to the following:
1-Look at other people's pictures,
2-Look at my own pictures,
3-Look back at their pics and wonder why all of mine look like they were taken by Abraham Zapruder?
4-Watch people make signs,
5-Make a few signs of my own at Resorts staff,
6-Meet people you've been talking to for months but never seen,
7-Spend a lot of time subsequent to this explaining that you normally don't look like this,
9-Play with other people's children,
10-Consider sleeping with Taj Mahal Waiters and making children of your own,
11-Help Lisa paint a goatee on a blow-up Scooby Dog,
12-Take a break from the line when you realize that Scooby Doo is actually starting to look good, especially since he grew the goatee,
14-Eat some more,
15-Push your empty candy bar wrappers next to your neighbor, and look the other way,
16-Listen at the door during sound check,
17-Engage in theoretical discussions, such as Had Zach not taken Starbuck's shift, exactly how long would he have lasted into the season before getting his cute little tush Blown Away by the Cylons. (BTW - Is it lost on anyone else that Starbuck was in BattleStar Galatica and is also Rick's favorite Hangout makes ya think don't it)!
18-Three words: Rock, Paper, Scissors!
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