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BoDee's Blog
Thursday, 9 December 2004
Happy Bodhi Day!
Topic: No Sacred Cows
Mufi, a dear friend of mine recently wrote to me to wish me a Happy Bodhi Day! For the uninitiated, Bodhi Day is celebrated on December 8th and commemorates the anniversary of Buddha's enlightenment. It was on that day that Prince Siddhartha Gautama came to realize the cause of suffering and the means to overcome it. At the moment of his enlightenment he became the Buddha, or the Enlightened One. Contrary to popular belief Buddhism is not a religion, in fact Buddha himself gave very specific instructions that his philosophy should not be allowed to evolve into an organized theology. In retrospect, I think he would be saddened by the incredibly complex religion that sprung up around his teachings. It was Buddha who taught:

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it."

Happy Bodhi Day!

Posted by bodeerls at 6:35 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 9 December 2004 11:55 PM EST
Monday, 29 November 2004
And the Fun Just Keeps on Comin'
Topic: Website Update
Been spending a ridiculous amount of time developing a spreadsheet application for work and haven't been able to do much on the site for a couple weeks. I knew there would be periods like that when I came back and trust that the Funhouse's Fans will bear with me. In the past I labored under the idea that I had to update the site regularly or else. This created a lot of stress and IMHO the site ending up suffering for it. This time I am committed to taking my time and only updating when there is something of quality to add. Several projects are in the hopper.

Have taken time to update the Links section as to include some new friends as well as some very important utility links, not the least of which is the Firefox Web Browser. I cannot endorse this browser enough. Anyone running IE simply MUST give this program a look.

Posted by bodeerls at 7:37 PM EST
Tuesday, 19 October 2004
All Hail John Stewart!
Topic: You Call This News?
For the uninitiated John Stewart is the host of Comedy Central's Daily Show. Recently he was a guest on CNN's Crossfire and, well I will let Salon Magazines Charles Taylor take it from here:

Jon Stewart: Crossfire "hurting America"

"I think you're a lot more fun on your show," said Tucker Carlson to "Crossfire" guest Jon Stewart this afternoon. "And I think you're as much of a dick on your show as on any other," Stewart shot back. It wasn't the faux avuncularity we've come to expect from Stewart on "The Daily Show" but there, of course, he's playing a role. Here he was himself -- and he wasn't buying any of it.

From the moment Stewart sat down he made no secret of how repugnant he found the show. In fact, he said to Carlson and co-host Paul Begala that he had been so hard on the show he felt it was his duty to come on and say to their faces what he has said to friends and in interviews. What he said was that their show was "hurting America," and he was being only slightly hyperbolic. Stewart told them that when America needed journalists to be journalists they had instead chosen to present theater.

Carlson, trying to affect an air of dry amusement that a comedian would presume to lecture him, important pundit that he is, but looking as if his bow-tie were about to start spinning, could barely contain his outrage. In an absolutely mind-boggling moment, Carlson tried to counter Stewart's criticism by pointing out that during John Kerry's recent appearance on "The Daily Show," Stewart asked the candidate softball questions. "If you want to measure yourself against a comedy show," Stewart said, "be my guest."

Paul Begala tried to put a more conciliatory face on things by pointing out that theirs was a "debate" show. Stewart was having none of it. "I would love to see a real debate show," he said. And went on to tell them that instead of holding politicians' feet to the fire by asking tough question, "you're part of their strategy. You're partisan -- what's the word? -- uh, hacks."

It's almost a cliche by now to talk about "The Daily Show" being more trusted than real newscasts, but Stewart showed why. He pointed out to Carlson that he had asked Kerry if he really were in Cambodia but "I don't care," and when Carlson asked him what he thought about the "Bill O'Reilly vibrator flap," Stewart said, "I don't." It was as concise a demonstration of the triviality of the media as you could hope for.

"I thought you were going to be funny," Carlson said toward the end of the interview. Stewart responded, "No, I'm not going to be your monkey." And that was what was so bracing.

Stewart's "Crossfire" appearance is going to generate talk about how prickly he was, how he wasn't "nice" like he is on "The Daily Show." But prickliness is just what was needed. If you've built your reputation as a satirist pointing out how the media falls down on the job, you're not going to make yourself a part of their charade.

I've heard people talk about "The Daily Show" as an oasis of sanity, a public service. I couldn't agree more. Stewart's appearance on "Crossfire" was another public service. He went on and acted as if the show's purpose really was to confront tough issues, instead of being the political equivalent of pro wrestling. Given a chance to say absolutely what he thought, Stewart took it. He accomplished what almost never happens on television anymore: He made the dots come alive.

-- Charles Taylor
Ahhhhhhhhhhh .... Good Times!

Posted by bodeerls at 6:08 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 19 October 2004 6:11 PM EDT
Monday, 11 October 2004
An Open Letter to CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and Fox News:
Topic: You Call This News?
I need some guidance because I have obviously missed some crucial moment in our country's zeitgeist. When did it come to pass that television journalism ceased to be credible and became nothing more than partisan lobbying? When did the legacy of Murrow, Cronkite, and Brinkley become, with very few exceptions, the domain of News Readers whose only apparent expertise is mugging for the camera while reading dogmatic press releases like they were the canon of the gospels? When did our "Custodians of the Truth" become complicit in validating rumor, ad hoc attacks, and hearsay at the behest of devious political leaders?

It amazes me that this presidential election will not be decided on the critical issues but rather on childish facial expressions and out of context soundbites. We, the voting public are being force fed daily proclamations on which candidate leads in polls without regard to their scientific credibility and in many cases totally ignoring the mathematical margin of error. How exactly this daily dose of distortion furthers our democratic process is anyone's guess save that the election for the most power man in the world is based less on the Jeffersonian ideal and more on "American Idol" criterion. Our next President will come to power without any of the major television news outlets doing anything other then regurgitating predigested factional soundbites. Have we as a country become that illiterate and shallow?

I am frank to say that the major television news networks should take a page from professional wrestling and rename themselves "News Entertainment". It is a disgrace that presumably plausible news anchors must refer people to www.factcheck.org ! It was my, (perhaps na?ve), impression that it was the their obligation to provide in depth reporting on distortions of issues and misrepresentations of the facts.

The American electorate is not without culpability in this. We as a country have become apathetic followers who would rather have dogmatic spin doctors bottle feed us our opinions rather then make the effort to assume our civic duty, (an antiquated concept I know), and educate ourselves on the real issues. I strongly suspect that the majority of our voting public has never actually read the platforms of either party or expanded their respective ideology beyond that of a single issue agenda.

It is a disgrace to every brave soldier who ever laid down their life in the name of liberty and freedom that their sacrifice has been reduced to the importance of "rock, paper, scissors" politics. We as a country should be mortified at our apathy and media journalists should be ashamed of their own self-absorbed hubris.

At the end of the day we as a people deserve the incompetent and spurious government we get.

Posted by bodeerls at 7:36 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 11 October 2004 8:42 PM EDT
Sunday, 10 October 2004
Being There When It Matters
Topic: RLS Community
Having to come to terms with the fact that my Website appears to have become a much more focused site with a smaller audience then ever before. I am not sure why the viewership has declined ... perhaps the long period where no updates occurred. It could also be a result of my own high profile being reduced to that of lurker. Either way, it seems that what was once a site that entertained a fairly large audience is now targeted to only a handful of fans. All in all, it will not change the tenor of the site, but will actually free me up to tailor my content to those loyal fans of the Funhouse who never gave up on me and who have kept faith.

I must say that the changes in the RLS Community seem constructed to limit the ability of Fans to carve out a niche' for their efforts. In many ways the community seems more limited then it ever did before, reserving the lion's share of support for the "Official" line. I see very little out there that challenges this in any way. It seems that the PTB have consolidated the community well and now have absolute control over the discussion about RLS Fandom. While I can understand why this was done it does not, IMHO, expand or enrich the community in the way I think they intended. Sad but inevitable I suppose.

Still trying very hard to get some blanket permissions to use photos. Without new photos I am not sure how much I can really expand the content of the site. I have not been to a concert in over 2 yrs and even then my photos look like they were taken with a freakin 7-11 security camera. I cannot assume that all of the old permissions are still in place, but my efforts to verify them have gone unanswered with only few exceptions. Candi, Sylvia, and Stacey H. were right there with pix when I needed them to start the site back up. Anna and Mufi offered immediate support and ideas. You guys are more then "Friends of the Funhouse" ... you guys have been there when it counted! When I returned to the RLS Community with no status or implied access to offer I saw who came running with support and encouragement! These women stood with me even though they knew that in doing so they would gain nothing for themselves. Thats character, thats integrity, and thats being there when it matters. You guys are precious and if it comes down to the fact that you are all there is ... by Gawd, I'll write this Web Site just for you!

Posted by bodeerls at 9:16 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 10 October 2004 5:34 PM EDT
Saturday, 25 September 2004
That Darn W
Topic: Political Rant
Political Rant of the Day - At this point I am generally curious why the media is spending so much time talking smack on Dan Rather for unintentionally misleading the public with forged documents when "W" and his gang intentionally misled the nation into a war that has cost 1,175 coalition deaths & created the largest budget deficit in American History? *Sigh* Has the collective American IQ become so corrupted by years of intellectual sloth that it can't discern that this administration is not only incompetent, but dare I say, mallicious in its agenda? What ever happened to Osama? Frankly, I am stunned that this Administration isn't being impeached, let alone running for re-election. At this point our Country deserves the goverment it elects!

Posted by bodeerls at 12:27 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 10 October 2004 5:31 PM EDT
Sunday, 5 September 2004
This Blows!
Topic: You Call This News?
For those who do not know, I work in Safety Administration for La-Z-Boy Logistics. As such I have been closely following the track of hurricane Frances all week trying to anticipate how this will effect next weeks delivery schedule in the South East. Were it not for the gravity of the situation the images of network news people peppering the Florida beach fronts in their colorful little rain slickers would be amusing. I am convinced that they actually evacuated hundreds of thousands of Florida residents to make room for an equal number of field correspondents who have set up live feeds at 2 ft intervals up & down the coast, each one hoping against hope to be the one to catch that ever elusive shot of beloved characters plucked out of Disney World flying haplessly into the side of a crumbling luxury condo. While we may never know where Mickey or Minnie end up I think we ALL know where Goofy and Daffy are right now ... LOL! I don't mean to beat a dead horse here but didn't it seem that the news readers appeared upset when NOAA officials announced that the storm had weakened slightly? I guess 100 mph sustained winds don't compare to 110 mph sustained winds when it comes to good ratings share. I actually heard one of the Fox Network's News Waitresses ask a Hurricane Center Rep with a tinge of disappointment in her voice, "It could strengthen though, couldn't it"? Geez!

Posted by bodeerls at 1:01 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 10 October 2004 5:30 PM EDT
Tuesday, 31 August 2004
Jump Bosco! Jump!
Topic: Political Rant
Spent the better part of last night throwing the cat's toys at the TV while watching the Republican Convention! As a liberal Democrat I watch with abject horror as I watch the political right troop out their cast of characters to villanize my political heroes! Can I just say that Zell Miller couldn't get a clue during the clue mating season in a field full of horny clues if he smeared his body with clue musk and did the clue mating dance. On the other hand, my cat, Bosco, leaps yet again for a flying jingle ball believing that we have simply entered the second leg of the summer Olympics.

Posted by bodeerls at 1:01 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 10 October 2004 5:26 PM EDT
Like Starting Over
Topic: RLS Community
Still can't get a handle on the RLS Community ... so many new peeps out there. Feel very much like an outsider these days. Being accepted back may be difficult. It's alot like starting completely over again. Being "out of the loop" makes it hard to get a handle on any subversive controversies ... and everyone knows those are the grist for the funniest bits ... LOL! Will keep my ear to the ground and see what happens.

Posted by bodeerls at 12:01 AM EDT
Sunday, 29 August 2004
Now Where Was I?
Topic: RLS Community
Busy day today ... spent much of last night, this AM and this afternoon cleaning up the Funhouse and adding a new Navigation Bar to all the pages. Mulling over some new ideas as well. Forgot just how much I love working on this site!

Having returned to the RLS Community after a 2 year absence is strange, to say the least. While some old friends are still around it looks like alot of newbies have joined the Community. Had a little sting to the ego the other night when one chatter ask me if I had a website .... ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh burn! Serves me right for being away so long ... neh? Funny ... in all the time was away I dutifully updated my pages to prevent Geocities from deleting them so I guess I always knew I would someday find my way back home.

Home seems to have changed a bit since the "before time in the long long ago". The old RLS Yahoo Group is gone, the Forum is in a different format and it seems that somewhere along the line there has been some kind of crackdown on posts deemed to be "negative". I have yet to get my head wrapped around exactly what "negative" means, but I know there are alot of people warning me that I should mind my posts and keep some of my more colorful opinions to myself. I was even warned by someone in Chat that I must "be careful". Hmmmmmm ... I wonder what that means?

Posted by bodeerls at 1:01 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 10 October 2004 5:25 PM EDT

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