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Warning - Uncensored Opinions to Follow! |
Friday, September 24, 2004 |
Been pretty
busy between hurricanes, Excel spreadsheets, and of course pasting funny
Rick heads on cartoon bodies! Working on the Nick Knight piece and can
now promise that there will be fresh Screen Caps included! Aiming for a
Halloween posting on that one. Also working on another cute little piece
that has been knocking around in my head for awhile ... basically an homage
to the Divas.
Political Rant of the Day - At this point I am generally curious why the media is spending so much time talking smack on Dan Rather for unintentionally misleading the public with forged documents when "W" and his gang intentionally misled the nation into a war that has cost 1,175 coalition deaths & created the largest budget deficit in American History? *Sigh* Has the collective American IQ become so corrupted by years of intellectual sloth that it can't discern that this administration is not only incompetent, but dare I say, mallicious in its agenda? What ever happened to Osama? Frankly, I am stunned that this Administration isn't being impeached, let alone running for re-election. At this point our Country deserves the goverment it elects! |
Friday, September 10, 2004 |
on the new stuff and hope to make some Updates soon. Still making some
tweaks here and there throughout the Funhouse in an effort to make some
parts of it more Monitor Friendly. Recently received some Fan Mail from
Peeps old and new with ideas and compliments about the changes. Doesn't
it always seem that the RLS Divas always know just the right words to say
to get ya going! Bless a Heart!
While I am working very hard on the new projects I am also working on the Freethought portion of the site. Freethought is my 2nd passion, and while it isn't directly Rick related I am hoping that visitors to the Funhouse will avail themselves of all the info and resources I will be including. To me ... this portion of the Funhouse will be my Gift to the RLS Community ... something that peeps can use to make real positive changes in their lives. Of course I'll have to do all of this while keeping an eye on Hurricane Ivan, (the Rat Bastard)! Oh well, if the world didn't suck sometimes I guess we would all fall off, huh? |
Sunday, September 5, 2004 |
For those
who do not know, I work in Safety Administration for La-Z-Boy Logistics.
As such I have been closely following the track of hurricane Frances all
week trying to anticipate how this will effect next weeks delivery schedule
in the South East. Were it not for the gravity of the situation the images
of network news people peppering the Florida beach fronts in their colorful
little rain slickers would be amusing. I am convinced that they actually
evacuated hundreds of thousands of Florida residents to make room for an
equal number of field correspondents who have set up live feeds at 2 ft
intervals up & down the coast, each one hoping against hope to be the
one to catch that ever elusive shot of beloved characters plucked out of
Disney World flying haplessly into the side of a crumbling luxury condo.
While we may never know where Mickey or Minnie end up I think we ALL know
where Goofy and Daffy are right now ... LOL! I don't mean to beat a dead
horse here but didn't it seem that the news readers appeared upset when
NOAA officials announced that the storm had weakened slightly? I guess
100 mph sustained winds don't compare to 110 mph sustained winds when it
comes to good ratings share. I actually heard one of the Fox Network's
News Waitresses ask a Hurricane Center Rep with a tinge of disappointment
in her voice, "It could strengthen though, couldn't it"? Geez!
In between this idiocy I have been working on some idiocy of my own. I may gain access to a screen cap program which will allow me to create some new screen caps from "Nick Knight". I have also been working on another project that has been knocking around my head for a long time. Graphics intensive so it may take awhile to put together. |
Tuesday, August 31, 2004 |
the better part of last night throwing the cat's toys at the TV while watching
the Republican Convention! As a liberal Democrat I watch with abject horror
as I watch the political right troop out their cast of characters to villanize
my political heroes! On the other hand, my cat, Bosco, leaps yet
again for a flying jingle ball believing that we have simply entered the
second leg of the summer Olympics.
Still can't get a handle on the RLS Community ... so many new peeps out there. Feel very much like an outsider these days. Being accepted back may be difficult. It's alot like starting completely over again. Being "out of the loop" makes it hard to get a handle on any subversive controversies ... and everyone knows those are the grist for the funniest bits ... LOL! Will keep my ear to the ground and see what happens. |
Sunday, August 29, 2004 |
day today ... spent much of last night, this AM and this afternoon cleaning
up the Funhouse and adding a new Navigation Bar to all the pages. Mulling
over some new ideas as well. Forgot just how much I love working on this
Having returned to the RLS Community after a 2 year absence is strange, to say the least. While some old friends are still around it looks like alot of newbies have joined the Community. Had a little sting to the ego the other night when one chatter ask me if I had a website .... ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh burn! Serves me right for being away so long ... neh? Funny ... in all the time was away I dutifully updated my pages to prevent Geocities from deleting them so I guess I always knew I would someday find my way back home. Home seems to have changed a bit since the "before time in the long long ago". The old RLS Yahoo Group is gone, the Forum is in a different format and it seems that somewhere along the line there has been some kind of crackdown on posts deemed to be "negative". I have yet to get my head wrapped around exactly what "negative" means, but I know there are alot of people warning me that I should mind my posts and keep some of my more colorful opinions to myself. I was even warned by someone in Chat that I must "be careful". Hmmmmmm ... I wonder what that means? |
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